Eta-2 Interceptor (17)Full unit name: Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:04:06
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First appearance: Star Wars Obsession, part 1
Relations: Jedi Order
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, Kuat Systems Engineering
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The Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, also known as the Jedi interceptor or Jedi starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
pilots, was a Republic starfighter used late in the Clone Wars that shared design elements with the Republic's Delta-7
Delta-7A Interceptor
Starfighter Models
and Delta-7B
Delta-7B Interceptor
Starfighter Models
starfighters, as well as the TIE fighters
TIE Fighter
Starfighter Models
of the later Galactic Empire. The Galactic Alliance would later come to utilize a successor, the Eta-5 interceptor.
At 5.47 meters in length, the Eta-2 was significantly shorter than the already diminutive Delta-7. The new fighter's mass was further reduced by removing much of the forward space-frame, leaving the front of the ship in a forked shape. Like its predecessor, it was also too small to hold an onboard hyperdrive. Because of this, the Eta-2 had to rely on carrier vessels or Syliure-45 hyperdrive modules
Syliure-45 Long-Range Hyperdrive Module
Utility Ships & Devices
for long-distance travel. However, the Actis did have a full astromech droid socket, instead of a truncated unit as was seen in the early models of Aethersprite starfighters.
Like the simultaneously developed ARC-170
ARC-170 Starfighter
Starfighter Models
and Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters
Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-Wing Starfighter
Starfighter Models
, the Eta-2 incorporated S-foils to radiate excess engine heat in the thick of combat, reducing the likelihood of damage to the craft. Occasionally, though not always, the lifting panels were opened during normal flight to further reduce stress on the engines. Such a design element carried with it certain flaws, however; this area of the hull was lightly armored, and extremely vulnerable to laser fire and buzz droid
Buzz Droid
sabotage. This design element would be carried on through the radiator panels of later TIE fighters which, unlike the Eta-2's foils, were locked in static positions but essentially served the same purpose.
Thanks mostly to the fact that its development occurred in the midst of a galactic civil war, the Eta-2 had more firepower at its disposal than the Delta-7 and Delta-7B - two large laser cannons and two ion cannons. While the size of its guns provided it with respectable firepower, the fighter's limited power systems restricted its ability to fire continuously. Raith Sienar's twin ion engine design allowed the Eta-2 to achieve a maximum acceleration of 5,200 g. Unlike the Delta-7 and Delta-7B, the standard Eta-2 was not equipped with shields, as Sienar reasoned that agility and speed were its best defense. However, a later variant did include shields, as well as slightly heavier armor and a stronger hull.


See also
Known crew - characters
Darth Krayt (A'Sharad Hett)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Aayla Secura
Xiaan Amersu
Complete list

Full unit name: Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:04:06